Sep 29, 2014

Etsy Made In Canada pop up sale

Oh goodness thank you everyone who came out to say hello and support handmade! 
there was barely time to eat during the day but i managed to run on trailmix, water and happy faces throughout the day. it was so great to hear such sweet comments at my table and make a couple new creative friends like my table neighbours Paper and Light, Minouette and a little further down the line Your Hearts Haven.

it was so neat to be part of this country wide event and the etsy teams and organizers did such a fantastic job with the space. there were points of total gridlock in the walkways but everyone looked excited and wide eyed to check out all 100+ vendors. now onto some shots taken throughout the day!

who put those wolves there?

first wolf portrait to be adopted! all dapper and officially was named "Hubert"

friendly wolf pup stuffies. toddler quote: the long arms are easy to hold onto! 

hard decisions were made with these naturally dyed canvas book/tablet sleeves. "now i won't look ghetto with my ziplocked books on the train" 

more of these naturally dyed linen envelope snap wallets to be made!

at one point i realized i may not have brought enough business cards, by closing time i had one left!

pack up time, shame i missed out on saying hello to all the other vendors.

i did manage to make a trade with Your Heart's Haven and cozied up in one of her greyhound infinity scarves, thanks katie!

after a sale i always get home with a sort of stunned feeling of wanting to knock out new ideas in a single day and needing to rest my feets and brains for the next production mode.
there are a few things brewing up in the next few months but i don't want to give it away...yet.
i will be taking some new product shots for an little etsy shop update so keep your eyes peeled and perk them ears up for that news.

internally yours,
sister valentine

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