Sep 8, 2009

with these cold nights, came monsters!

i should have posted a new blog about this a few days ago now but finally and with loud hearts, my monsters are up for sale!

both pocket monsters and biggy monsters can now be found in my etsy shop and all they want is to go to a warm home with a true heart. go and check out the shop and bring one home, 'cause i think they'd like that.

with these monsters, i wanted to have the headbands and wrist cuffs to be ready but things have been kind of hectic with last week getting things sorted out before school started up and also landing a part timer job for some moneys, i haven't had much time to get on them. 
I won't give up a new date for these headbands and cuffs just yet 'cause honestly i think this first week of school will be just as crazy as last week i'm sure, maybe even maniacal.
i can say that i've got some pretty cool ideas for the wrist cuffs and practicing the new religion of NOT leaking out peeks or clues to things, that is ALL i will say about that.

the summer is officially over and that's ok. people will start to wear layers and scarves and mittens to keep warm as the sun quiets down more and more until the snow hits us hard again.
it only gets me excited to think of scarflets and hobo gloves for my shop! i think i may take a crack at mittens too...maybe

now on a side note, my brother sent me this article he read involving texiles and possibly a new level of plagiarism. 
a girl had handed in some drawings which she had obviously stolen from artist Lauren Nassef and claimed them as her own for textile projects, her website (which has now been take down) and even winning a huge award from Textprint for pattern designs. 
it was such a bummer to read how this girl got away with using someone else's drawings for so long and to win bucketloads of moneys. it's only taught me that anything i may be drawing or posting online from this textiles program ( and anything else in between) will have a copyright watermark on it. 

for those interested in making something of your artistic skills should definitely take the time to read over the article!
another great site to keep up on plagiarism is the name is self explanatory really :)

oh and before i forget, you can totally check out the video entry zee brother and i made up for the Etsy contest. 
sadly though, it didn't make the semi-finalist list (nor did my first video entry, le buu)
still proud of it none them less!

now i'll leave you with the making of video i put together for the facebook group:

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