Mar 12, 2013

Just My Type art show peeks

bah i'm so excited to be part of this show at #Hashtag Gallery!
in the last few years of my simple little craftlife, i've grown a dear obsession with hand drawn typography and typography based art. now i can add my own style of typography goodness in that beautiful part of the art spectrum and it feels pretty neat.

"merci beacoup"

"sil vous plait"

"i love you"
i thought of covering up the back sides of these but as a craft lady, it's always neat to see the backside of embroidery. in some cases it can be almost more interesting than the front side. i liked the idea of if someone were to pick these up during the exhibit, they get a peek at that handmade eye candy that is usually hidden.

these simple pieces turned out exactly as i'd hoped and now i want to stitch on every paper surface i see, totally including my first edition vintage copy of Allen Ginsberg's Kaddish and Other Poems...i won't but i reeeally want to.
i also want to play around with more word drawings and keep them in mind for future little stitched posters.

come out to the opening and see the great talent Toronto and the GTA has to dish out!
check back for an after opening post and if you can't come out, this gorgeous typography short may hold you over a little.

The Alphabet from n9ve on Vimeo.

internally yours,
sister valentine

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