Jun 1, 2012

imma becoming a craft star

a real blog post will soon come but i just wanted you to note a couple of pretty way neato things that has happened within days of each other:

1. hey remember that really awesome store i volunteered at in Toronto back in le fall, Freedom Clothing Collective? well the lovely ladies asked me to yabber on a bit about myself and the things i make to be part of their new Made in Canada series they've started on their blog.
if you want a little more of a peek into my world, go and check it out!

and 2. weeks before school ended, i was asked to do the craft tutorials for a new arts and music magazine in waterloo called Fuss Arts Magazine. of course i was way pumped to be asked and agreed. today the new issue has been released and my first craft tutorial is officially published and for viewing! it's going to be great thinking of new crafting projects for Fuss and definitely keep my craft brains a-brewing!

oh hey lookit, isn't this the neatest 100th post you've ever seen? :)
 internally yours, sister valentine

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