Apr 25, 2013

wolves at my hands

in my last post i goobered on about how excited i was with finally able to make teeny wolf stuffies and how well it was turning out.

since then i've gone into production mode and not only made the lady wolf for my first one, but also tweaking the pattern and making a small pack of five more wolves.
although i'll be keeping my first two for myself, (it's nice to treat yourself now and then) but these five teeny ones will be sold at the Sheridan craft sale and open house happening this saturday!

i had a table at this sale the final two years while i was in the Textile program and was invited to sell my goodies once more.
what i love about working so small is that it only works my hands a little more. every piece making up these wolves were all hand sewn, everything from the messy scruff of their coats to their embroidered wolf eyes.

after my second wolf and tweaking the pattern slightly, i wanted to make the scruff of their coats a little more texture heavy and used both metallic and sewing thread but threw in a few stitches of wooly yarns i had scraps of.

i've worked on them for about three weeks and as of tonight, have only their feets left to do and they'll be all ready for a little space on your shelf!

there are so many things about this simple craftlife that truly makes my heart beat a little louder, a little faster. smalls things from how each step closer to finishing any piece brings it more to life, even how big of a mess such small pieces can leave kills my bum ticker.

for this sale i wanted to make more new things but couldn't squeeze in that kind of time for much else apart from this small pack of wolves. 
oh wait, i'm a loon though remember? so tomorrow i'll be whipping off some free motion embroidered bracelets and try to make three new pin cushions mostly 'cause both those things are quick and super fun to make...and i'm a loon.

internally yours,
sister valentine

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