Jul 21, 2014

wolf pup picture show

et voila! here is a bit of a photo dump from the first week of production mode for the Indie Arts Market at the Gladstone Hotel
after knocking out two pre-orders, i dove right into getting on with the rest of the litter. i've mentioned a bazillion times before of my love of going through every step closer to completing a project which i won't go into again...but i will say there is almost nothing more that can pluck my craft heart strings more than making.
okee now onto the show!

hearty paws, the better to melt your heart with.

completed pre-orders being friends.

craftlife favorites: cutie pie packaging and a happy true heart.

nothing will practice your sewing skills like a production mode.

embroidered logos on every little bottom.

sewn paws and ready to be stuffed.

stuffed wolf pup bits.

i'm on a pretty good schedule for completing this little litter which means i could knock out some other ideas i've had in mind for a good while now, but i guess you'll just have to peek on here or (my instagram feed) soon again!

internally yours,
sister valentine

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